service details

crontab -l

*/1  * * * * $HOME/bin/run-algernon-cron >/dev/null
*/10  * * * * cd $HOME/md-web && ./re-create-index >/dev/null


#! /bin/bash
set -o pipefail
set -o errexit
set -o nounset

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
nc -w 4 -v 7070 >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit
nohup run-algernon >$HOME/log/algernon.log 2>&1 &


#! /bin/bash

set -o pipefail
set -o errexit
set -o nounset


algernon \
  -u \
  --cert="${CERT}" \
  --key="${KEY}" \
  --nobanner \
  --server \
  --simple \
  --nocache \
  --watchdir="${SITE}" \
  --eventserver="${EVENTSERVER}" \
  --addr="${ADDR}" \
  --largesize=16384 \
  --quiet \
  --theme=material \
algernon --help
Algernon 1.14.0

Web Server

  algernon [flags] [file or directory to serve] [host][:port]

Available flags:
  -a, --autorefresh            Enable event server and auto-refresh feature.
                               Sets cache mode to "images".
  -b, --bolt                   Use "/tmp/algernon.db" for the Bolt database.
  -c, --statcache              Speed up responses by caching os.Stat.
                               Only use if served files will not be removed.
  -d, --debug                  Enable debug mode (show errors in the browser).
  -e, --dev                    Development mode: Enables Debug mode, uses
                               regular HTTP, Bolt and sets cache mode "dev".
  -h, --help                   This help text
  -l, --lua                    Don't serve anything, just present the Lua REPL.
  -m                           View the given Markdown file in the browser.
                               Quits after the file has been served once.
                               ("-m" is equivalent to "-q -o -z").
  -n, --nobanner               Don't display a colorful banner at start.
  -o, --open=EXECUTABLE        Open the served URL with xdg-open, or with the
                               given application.
  -p, --prod                   Serve HTTP/2+HTTPS on port 443. Serve regular
                               HTTP on port 80. Uses /srv/algernon for files.
                               Disables debug mode. Disables auto-refresh.
                               Enables server mode. Sets cache to "prod".
  -q, --quiet                  Don't output anything to stdout or stderr.
  -r, --redirect               Redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, if both are enabled.
  -s, --server                 Server mode (disable debug + interactive mode).
  -t, --httponly               Serve regular HTTP.
  -u                           Serve over QUIC / HTTP3.
  -v, --version                Application name and version
  -V, --verbose                Slightly more verbose logging.
  -z, --quit                   Quit after the first request has been served.
  --accesslog=FILENAME         Access log filename. Logged in Combined Log Format (CLF).
  --addr=[HOST][:PORT]         Server host and port (":3000" is default)
  --boltdb=FILENAME            Use a specific file for the Bolt database
  --cache=MODE                 Sets a cache mode. The default is "on".
                               "on"      - Cache everything.
                               "dev"     - Everything, except Amber,
                                           Lua, GCSS, Markdown and JSX.
                               "prod"    - Everything, except Amber and Lua.
                               "small"   - Like "prod", but only files <= 64KB.
                               "images"  - Only images (png, jpg, gif, svg).
                               "off"     - Disable caching.
  --cachesize=N                Set the total cache size, in bytes.
  --cert=FILENAME              TLS certificate, if using HTTPS.
  --conf=FILENAME              Lua script with additional configuration.
  --clear                      Clear the default URI prefixes that are used
                               when handling permissions.
  --cookiesecret=STRING        Secret that will be used for login cookies.
  --ctrld                      Press ctrl-d twice to exit the REPL.
  --dbindex=INDEX              Redis database index (0 is default).
  --dir=DIRECTORY              Set the server directory
  --domain                     Serve files from the subdirectory with the same
                               name as the requested domain.
  --eventrefresh=DURATION      How often the event server should refresh
                               (the default is "350ms").
  --eventserver=[HOST][:PORT]  SSE server address (for filesystem changes).
  --http2only                  Serve HTTP/2, without HTTPS.
  --internal=FILENAME          Internal log file (can be a bit verbose).
  --key=FILENAME               TLS key, if using HTTPS.
  --largesize=N                Threshold for not reading static files into memory, in bytes.
  --letsencrypt                Use certificates provided by Let's Encrypt for all served
                               domains and serve over regular HTTPS by using CertMagic.
  --limit=N                    Limit clients to N requests per second
                               (the default is 10).
  --log=FILENAME               Log to a file instead of to the console.
  --maria=DSN                  Use the given MariaDB or MySQL host/database.
  --mariadb=NAME               Use the given MariaDB or MySQL database name.
  --ncsa=FILENAME              Alternative access log filename. Logged in Common Log Format (NCSA).
  --nocache                    Another way to disable the caching.
  --nodb                       No database backend. (same as --boltdb=/dev/null).
  --noheaders                  Don't use the security-related HTTP headers.
  --nolimit                    Disable rate limiting.
  --postgres=DSN               Use the given PostgreSQL host/database.
  --postgresdb=NAME            Use the given PostgreSQL database name.
  --redis=[HOST][:PORT]        Use ":6379" for the Redis database.
  --rawcache                   Disable cache compression.
  --servername=STRING          Custom HTTP header value for the Server field.
  --stricter                   Stricter HTTP headers (same origin policy).
  --theme=NAME                 Builtin theme to use for Markdown, error pages,
                               directory listings and HyperApp apps.
                               Possible values are: light, dark, bw, redbox, wing,
                               material, neon or werc.
  --timeout=N                  Timeout when serving files, in seconds.
  --watchdir=DIRECTORY         Enables auto-refresh for only this directory.
  -x, --simple                 Serve as regular HTTP, enable server mode and
                               disable all features that requires a database.

Example usage:

  For auto-refreshing a webpage while developing:
    algernon --dev --httponly --debug --autorefresh --bolt --server . :4000

  Serve /srv/ and /srv/ over HTTP and HTTPS + HTTP/2:
    algernon -c --domain --server --cachesize 67108864 --prod /srv

  Serve the current dir over QUIC, port 7000, no banner:
    algernon -s -u -n . :7000

  Serve the current directory over HTTP, port 3000. No limits, cache,
  permissions or database connections:
    algernon -x